Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The First Post of the New Centennium

Well folks, another major milestone has slipped by without anyone really noticing. That's right, the Farang blog aired its 100th post with Tiara's picture of dehydrated ducks, making this officially post number 101. I'd like to say that our core readers were the most congratulatory, but the loving city of Hong Kong has outdone itself with its hospitality.

Just look at the fireworks show they ran for us, pretty darned impressive!

As part of the "Tiara and Ian's 100th post celebration" - curiously abbreviated "New Years 2009" by the city of Hong Kong - fireworks were launched from the rooftops of ten downtown buildings.

Here you can see some of the fireworks shooting off the side of the 2 IFC building (sorry about the streetlight). Note the use of red, green, and gold, the official Farang colors.

We had tried to watch the big show from the bridge out to the Star Ferry Pier, but police officers came through and ushered everyone off of the railing at ten minutes to midnight, ourselves included. Not the way I would treat my guests of honor, but it's important to understand that there are cultural differences here.

Fortunately for me, I had Tiara "eagle eye" Grayson along. Using her unrivaled visual acuity she spied a mostly empty parking garage roof a few blocks away. We made it up to the top floor at 11:59, just in time for our big show. Waves of our adoring fans shortly followed, captured in the picture below:

This crowd of revelers turned out to show their appreciation for the Farang blog. The blurry picture masks their tears of joy and appreciation.

And that, dear readers, is the story of our 101st post.

Happy New Year!


Barbara said...

Happy New Year to Tiara, Ian, and Charlie. Glad to know that Hong Kong is so welcoming and appreciative of your excellent work!


DadintheFog said...

Happy New Year, Tiara! (And Ian and Charlie! -- although I have yet to meet you two!)

This is a voice from the past! I hope you are having a fantastic time exploring Asia. It's a wonderful place.

